Supporting Acorn with a legacy

A bequest in your will may be the largest amount you are ever able to give and will have an impact long after you die. Including a gift to Acorn in your will is easy, and you will have the peace of kind of knowing that you are contributing to the future of Acorn. Please consider if this is something you would like to do.

All money left to Acorn is exempt from Inheritance Tax because we are a registered charity.

How do you leave a bequest?
Bequests must be incorporated in your will.

Do It Yourself wills are often unclear and possibly invalid. It is advisable to contact a solicitor to make a will. You will need to make it clear that the bequest is to Acorn Pregnancy Counselling Centre, Registered Charity No. 1094389.

What if you already have a will?

If you already have a will and wish to now include a bequest to Acorn, then this can be effected by a straightforward codicil. Once again it is a good idea to contact a solicitor to make sure the wording correctly represents your wishes.

Can you change your mind later?
Yes, of course you can. You can always make alterations to take account of changes in your circumstances. Just contact your solicitor and they will be able to help you. It is a good idea to review your will regularly in any case.

What types of bequest are there?
1. A residual bequest – leaves the remainder of your estate to a chosen charity after you have taken care of your family, those close to you and other beneficiaries.
2. A pecuniary bequest – allows you to leave a specific sum to a charity or organisation. The disadvantage is that inflation will devalue your gift, so you may need to update your will regularly.
3. A specific bequest – This allows you to leave land, property or particular items that you own. We are able to benefit from this type of bequest either by selling them and benefiting from the proceeds (unless you state otherwise in your will), or by using them directly for Acorn's work.
4. A conditional bequest – in the event that the person(s) to whom you have left your estate dies before or with you, it is wise to add a clause which specifies an alternative recipient. Some people choose to make their conditional bequest to a charity.

If you would like to discuss leaving a bequest to Acorn, please email

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